Kaiserswerth, Dr. Matthias
Managing Director – Hasler Stiftung
Geschäftsführer Hasler Stiftung
Hirschengraben 6
3011 Bern

Innovation from a Research perspective
There is much talk about innovation these days. Why is that? I believe that businesses and even countries that want to remain competitive in view of globalization and deregulation can only succeed through sustained innovation.
The scope of innovation reaches far beyond the development of new products or technologies. It includes innovations in services, in business processes and models, in culture and management, as well as in policies that transform society in general.
IBM, at its core, is a technology company. Research is one of the key assets that make IBM the innovation partner of choice — the innovator’s innovator. Since the inception of IBM Research in 1945, our scientists have consistently registered the largest number of patents in the IT industry year after year. What’s more, five scientists from IBM Research Laboratories have been awarded the Nobel Prize, four of whom were from the Zurich Lab.
The IBM Research – Zurich is dedicated not only to fundamental research, but also to exploring and creating innovative industry and customer-oriented solutions. Our main research areas are
- future chip technology,
- nanoscience and nanotechnology,
- supercomputing,
- security and privacy, risk and compliance as well as
- business optimization and transformation.
Empfehlung zu Cloud-Finder Schweiz
- Smart Industry 4.0 in Switzerland
- Artikel aus der “BILANZ” vom 13.12.2013
- A day in the life as the director of IBM Research – Zurich